EA Talks

Exploring careers that help animals: Your next steps | Jamie Harris | EAGxOxford 22

November 26, 2022 Peter Gebauer and Patrick Brinich-Langlois
EA Talks
Exploring careers that help animals: Your next steps | Jamie Harris | EAGxOxford 22
Show Notes

If you already agree that the problem of factory farming is important, neglected, and tractable, then you might be considering careers that contribute to addressing that problem. In this talk, Jamie Harris from Animal Advocacy Careers suggests actions that you can take and resources that you can follow up on in order to explore and test your fit with career paths that could have a large positive impact for animals.

View the original talk and video here.

Effective Altruism is a social movement dedicated to finding ways to do the most good possible, whether through charitable donations, career choices, or volunteer projects. EA Global conferences are gatherings for EAs to meet.

Effective Altruism is a social movement dedicated to finding ways to do the most good possible, whether through charitable donations, career choices, or volunteer projects. EA Global conferences are gatherings for EAs to meet. You can also listen to this talk along with its accompanying video on YouTube.